The 1TOUCH XL Left Hand Finger Print Door Lock will be avaialble again soon!!

Great news for anyone who has been checking on the site for the return of the Satin nickel 1TOUCH XL Left Handed door locks. It is now firmly scheduled to be available early next week. They should be ready to ship out to customers by 5/18/09. I've been informed that the new 1TOUCH XL & XLS locks (both Left & right handled) have been improved. They now sport a new Finger Print Template Scanner Algorithm that will make the scanner work even faster & more consistently than before. Please check back on:
To see more details about the New 1TOUCH XL & XLS Locks & other Products that will be launching this Spring & Summer.

John is a writer and technical guru for Intelligent Biometric Controls, Inc. that is constantly tinkering between cooking amazing lunches and explaining access control to anyone that will listen.

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John is a writer and technical guru for Intelligent Biometric Controls, Inc. that is constantly tinkering between cooking amazing lunches and explaining access control to anyone that will listen.

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